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    "Blinded by the Light" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Manfred Mann's Earth Band

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Blinded by the Light" by Manfred Mann's Earth Band? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Blinded by the Light" Lyrics

    Dressed up like a dude another roller in
    Wrapped up like a douche I knew their ow
    Used up like a douche You know the runne
    Torn up like a douche, Another stoner in
    Wrap up the old deuce a nutterbutter in
    Wrapped up like a douche Another rumour
    And little Early-Burly kept my anus curl
    And little Early-Pearly gave my anus cur
    She was blinded by the light Ripped off
    Wrapped up like a doofus Throwing snowb
    Wrecked up like a douche you know the ru
    Ripped up like a douche In the middle of
    Wrapped up like a douche, another roamer
    Wrapped up like a deuce, another roamer
    Wrapped up like a douche You know they r
    The variety crashed through the crowd
    Blinded by the light Wrapped up like a d
    revved up like a douche into the rumour
    Wrapped up like a douche another rotor i
    ripped off like a douche in the middle o
    And little Early-Pearly gave my anus cur
    rolled up like a douche, another boner i
    blinded by the light wrapped up like a d
    Beat up by that douche And made some but
    And little Early Pearly gave my anus cur
    Racked up like a douche Ya' know they ru
    Wrapped up like a douche You know you ro
    Rolled up like a douche into the roller
    Wrapped up like a douche, another rumour
    Wrapped up like a douche another rubber
    And little Ertie Bertie gave my anus gir
    Wrapped up like a douche Another booger
    And Goliath, he crashed to the ground
    And Goliath, he crashed to the ground
    Blinded by the light, Wrapped up like do
    Wrapped up like a loofah by the foreman
    Dressed up like a goose, You know, the r
    Wrapped up like a douche ya know he rode
    And Little early pearly gave my anus cur
    ...and little Rolie Polie gave my anus c
    planet by the light red nose like a douc
    And little early birdie gave my anus gir
    Blinded by the light Wake up like a deus
    Wraped up like Kaduce, you know the rule
    Racked up like a douche.
    Little early birdie gave my anus curl a
    The Little early birdie gave my anus cur
    Revved up like a douche, another runner
    Wrapped up like a douche, in the rotor i
    Binded overnite Wrapped up like a goose
    Wrecked up like medusa A ruler in the n
    Wrapped up like a douche Into the rotor
    Wrapped up like a douche We're gonna rol
    Wrapped up like a douche Another boner i
    Wrapped up like a douche Another woman
    Wrapped up like a deuche In the woman o
    Rapped up like a douche bag Running ove
    Wrapped up like a douche by the foreman
    And little early birdy gave my anus curl
    Blinded by the light, Wrapped up like a
    Wrapped up like a douche, another odor i
    Ripped up like a douche
    Blinded by the light Wrapped up like a d
    wrecked up like a douche you know the gr
    blinded by the light wrapped up like a d
    And little Early-Pearly gave my anus cur
    And little Early-Birdie gave my English
    And the ghost with the most
    Wrapped up like a rooster Another rolle
    Lit up like a douche, another mother in
    Knocked up like a douche bag in the midd
    wrapped up like a douche after a boner i
    and little wurly burly gave my anus curl
    Blinded by the light wrapped up like a d
    Rolled up like a douche, another odor in
    Wrapped up like a douche A lonely runner
    Revved up like a poof Another homo in t
    Blinded by the light, Wrapped up like a
    And little early-pearly gave my anus cur
    gave my anus twirly-whirly
    Blinded by the light, wrapped up like a
    wrapped up like a douche
    And little Hurly-Burly gave my anus Curl
    Little Hurly-Burly kept his anus curly-w
    Little hurley burley gave my anus curley
    Wrapped up like the douche Your mother u
    And a little burley girly gave my anus c
    wrapped up like a douche another red one
    wrapped up like a douche, another moaner
    wrapped up like a douche another roller
    wrapped up like a douche/ in the aurora
    Wrapped up like a douche into the rotor
    Wrapped up like a douche Another boner i
    Swept Up Like A Douche Roll Her Over In
    Wrapped up like a douche with the rumour
    And little Early-Pearly gave my anus cur
    wrapped up like a douche another roamer
    Dressed up like a Douche!
    Wrapped up like a douche
    Revved up like a juicer on the river in
    Wrapped up like a douche Another rumor i
    Wrapped up like a douche, another rubber
    wrapped up like a douche another strolle
    Wrapped up like a douche, another boner
    Wrecked up like a douche An Holy Roller
    wake up like a douche to the roar in the
    Dressed Up Like A Douche Into The Rotor
    And little Early-Burly gave my anus curl
    Wrapped up like a douche In the corona o
    Wrapped up in a douche bag ; eating Rolo
    ...gave my anus curly wurly...
    Wrapped up like a douche, another roller
    Wrapped up like a douche another roamer
    Blinded by the light. Crept up like a do
    And little Hurly Burly kept my anus curl
    wrapped up like the fusion of a Rorer in
    Wrapped up like a douche You know, the r
    Dressed up like a goose she was a woman
    Wrapped up like a douche on a moter in t
    Blinded by the light, revved up like a d
    Blinded by the light Dressed up like a d
    Wrapped up like a douche, you know the r
    And little Early Birdy gave his anus gir
    "... and little early birdy gave my anus
    Ripped up like a douche Another roller e
    wrapped up like a deuche another owner i
    Wrapped up like a douche another roamer
    "...with a teenage nympho'mac" (as if in
    Rapped up like a doosh. Another rover in
    And little Early Pearly gave my anus cur
    Blinded by the light, Struck up like a d
    Blinded by the light, Struck up like a d
    Rolled up with a with a douche Just a ro
    "... and little early birdie gave my anu
    And littleHurly Burley kept my anus cur
    And little early-girly gave my anus curl
    Wrapped up like a douche In the middle o
    Blinded by the light, Wrapped up like a
    Wrapped up like a douche in the boner of
    Wrapped up like a douche You know the ro
    wrapped up like a duece another roller
    And little early birdie gave my anus cur
    She ripped up her douche in the middle o
    Wrapped up like a douche Another boner i
    Little Early Burly gave my anus curly-wu
    Revved up like a douche in the mornin'
    Wrapped up like a douche, another loner
    And little Early Burly gave my anus skir
    remove that ol' douche throw it over to
    Wrapped up like a doofus, I go running i
    Revved up like a Dusenberg And over in a
    messed up like a douche another groaner
    and little early birdy gave my anus curl
    And little hurly burly gave my anus curl
    wrapped up like a douche another rotor i
    And a little hurly gurly gave my anus cu
    Revved up like a douche in the middle of
    Repped up like a douche-en-ow a runner i
    Crept up like a douche You know the roll
    blinded by the light, ripped up like a d
    Madden's Drummers' Bummer Ended In the S
    blinded by the light wrapped up like a d
    She was blinded by the light, Wrapped up
    Wrapped up like a goose, Another runner
    Wrapped up like a douche Another runner
    Blinded by the light Wrapped up like a d
    wrapped up like a douche you know a roll
    And little Early Birdie gave my anus cur
    Wrapped up like a douche, Or like a rule
    Wrapped up like a douche, until they rol
    And little early-birdy gave my anus curl
    Wrapped up like a deuce in the rotor of
    blinded by the light, wrapped up like a
    And little hurley-burley made my anus cu
    wrapped up like a douche into the rubber
    Crept up a caboose Another runner in the
    Wrapped up like a douche Another roamer
    wrapped up like a douche another runner
    little early birdy gave my anus curly wu
    Ripped up like a douche
    wiped up with a louffa by the foreman of
    Wrapped up like a douche, Another roamer
    Wrapped up like a douche another roamer
    Revved up like a doucheion and a rotor i
    And little Early Burly gave my anus curl
    wrapped up like a douche another boner i
    Blinded by the light...wrapped up like a
    And a little early birdie gave my anus c
    And little Early Burly Gave my anus curl
    Ripped up like a douche you're gonna thr
    wrapped up like a douche another roller
    Wrapped up like Medusa, she's the horror
    Wrapped up like Medusa 'nother roamer in
    And Little Early Birdie Gave my hand a s
    Wrapped up like a douche Like a potato i
    wrapped up like a douche an odor roller
    Dressed up like a doofus with a boner in
    Wake up like a doofus with a boner in th
    And little Early Burly came ahead of Scu
    She got down, but she never crossed out
    Ripped up like a Duchenne in the roller
    Revved up like a douche, another runner
    Wrapped up like a douche
    Blinded by the light, Wrapped up like a
    With a boner on my shoulder, feelin' kin
    You look like Medusa with Hair-Rollers i
    "wrapped up like a douche when you're ro
    Blinded by the light, ripped up like a
    Revved up like a douche, Another runner
    Wrapped up like a douche.
    Wrapped up like a dou-che in the middle
    And little Early-Pearly kept my anus cur
    And spittle Pearly Shearly with his anus
    Blinded by the light, wrapped up like a
    Blinded by the light. wrapped up like a
    And little Early Pearly Gave my anus cur
    With a boner on my shoulder Feeling kind

    Other Songs by Manfred Mann's Earth Band

    Do Wah Diddy Diddy
    Don't kill it Carol
    Martha's Madman
    Mighty Quinn
    Pretty Flamingo

    Funniest Misheards by Manfred Mann's Earth Band