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    "Billie Jean" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Michael Jackson

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Billie Jean" Lyrics

    Village Cheese is not my lover
    Billie Jean is not my mother, She's just
    Billie Jean's not my son He's just a gir
    Billie Jean is not my son, She's just a
    But the chair is not my son...
    But the jean is not my size.
    Then I hit her with an ice-cream, to be
    She told me hernia was 'Billie Jean', 'c
    But the chid is not Myson
    She's just a girl who claims I am the on
    "Billy Jean is not my mother She's just
    But Janet's up herself
    Too cherish up my sun
    Billie Jean forgot my son
    For forty days and for forty nights The
    Billie Jean is not my brother
    I said your mother will do you mean, I a
    Billie Jean is not my daughter
    People always told me, be careful what y
    The chair is not my son
    But the chair is not my size
    but the janis not my son
    The girl is not myself
    jesus ironed the wine
    but the cheetahs mugged my son
    Billie Jean's not my daughter...
    But be careful not my son
    Bille Jean rocks my world
    Fetta cheese it at my door! She's jus a
    Billie Jean is not my lover, she's just
    Billie Jean is not my brother
    Billie jean just shot my lama a crazy la
    ....she's just a girl who thinks that I
    for forty days and for forty nights I wa
    She's more confused than sour cream when
    Then heavy heads turned with eyes that d
    But Nick Cannon's not my son
    they came and started bombing then came
    Don't go around making young girls fart
    But the janitor's my son
    Billie Jean light my fire
    She kissed a girl, she says that I am th
    Feel genius, not my love
    For forty days and forty nights I stayed
    Before the days and before the nights, I
    But the chair is not my son
    For forty days and for forty nights I wa
    People always told me be careful what yo
    But the cat is not my son
    But the kid is not my style
    Billie Jean, at my door She's just a gir
    But a chance to love my son
    Mice don't get lice
    Botticelli's not my son
    Be careful what you do, cause the fly co
    Billie Jean has got my glove, She'd bus
    The feel of cheese, up my bum.
    She's just a girl who claims that I am
    Fill his jeans with hot eye lava
    Billie Jean is not my lover She's just
    be careful watching jew, cause the lava
    Billie Jean is not my lover Shes just th
    Billie Jean's the Dalai Lama
    But Kim is not my son
    Billie Jean, stack my ladder
    Sally Sheen is not my lover....
    Billy Jean is not my brother he's just a
    She told me her name was Billie Jean, as
    She Says I Am The One, But The Chair Is
    ...But the chair isn't on my side.
    richard is not my son ( it sooo sounds l
    For forty days and forty nights, I was o
    Pigs in jeans are at my door.
    But Chad is not my son...
    Billie Jean is not my girl, She's just a
    The chairlift's not my son
    For forty days and for forty nights I wa
    For forty days and for forty nights I w
    People Always Told Me Be Careful Of What
    The chair-lift's not my son
    bille jean is not my mother she's just s
    Show the hard f**king, show them tonight
    For forty days and for forty nights, I w
    For 40 days and for 40 nights, I was on
    chille cheese out my window.
    Jimmy Dean is at my door
    Billie jean is not my MOTHER, she's just
    The cat has got my gun
    I'm gunna dance on the floor in the nigh
    For forty days and for forty nights I wa
    the smell of diesel fumes
    Billie Jean is not my lover She's just a
    Billie Jean just shot my llama...
    People always told me Mick Jagger was a
    Billie Jean is not my lover, she's just
    She told me her name was Billie Jean As
    billie jean is not my lover she`s just a
    Billie Jean is not my mother She's just
    that heavy hairdo with the ice cream of
    Billy jean is not my DAUGHTER shes just
    The game has just begun.
    Billie's jeans are not my mothers
    Billy Jean rock my world!
    I feel the cheese, not my lover
    Billie Jean, knock my door, She's just
    Fettucini! That's my stuff! Fettucini, J
    For forty days and for forty nights I wa
    But Chad is not my son.
    But the chair is not my son
    Billie Jean is not my lover, she's just
    Billie Jean is not my daughter Hey siste
    She's just a girl who claims that I am t
    Quieres una manzana (kee-eh-de soon a m
    With heavy hair and eyes that were green
    billie jean distrusts my goat
    Steve McQueen is not my lover.
    Billie's jeans are not my size-a She's j
    This Happened Much Too Soon She thought
    The Big Cheese is not my lover.
    the chair is not my son
    The chair is not my son
    But the jam is not my son!
    She says I'm oh-and-one
    She told me she was b***hing, all across
    The chair is not my son
    The Village Inn is not my lover
    But the chair is not my size.
    For forty days and for forty nights i wa
    Frintha, I am the one.
    but Janet is not my son

    Other Songs by Michael Jackson

    Beat It
    Black or White
    Dirty Diana
    Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
    Earth Song
    Free Willy
    Get on the Floor
    Give In To Me
    Heal The World
    Human Nature
    Just Another Part of Me
    Liberian Girl
    Little Susie
    Love Never Felt So Good
    Man In The Mirror
    Off The Wall
    Remember the Time
    Rockin Robin
    Say Say Say
    Shake Your Body Down To The Ground
    Slave to the Rhythm
    Smooth Criminal
    Speed Demon
    Stranger In Moscow
    The Girl Is Mine
    The Lady in my Life
    The Way You Make Me Feel
    This Is It
    Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
    We Are The World
    Who Is It
    Why You Wanna Trip On Me
    Will You Be There
    You Are Not Alone

    Funniest Misheards by Michael Jackson