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    "You're So Vain" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Carly Simon

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "You're So Vain" by Carly Simon? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "You're So Vain" Lyrics

    Wife of a clothes pin
    Well, you're where you should be all the
    Well, you blew your scivvies up to Nova
    Then you flew your pidgeon up to Nova Sc
    Your scarf, it was Aff-ri-caahhn and I h
    And when you're not, you're with Some UN
    Wife of a cloaksmen
    wife of a postman
    I had some dreams they were grounds in m
    Clowns in my coffee
    Some underwear spy or the wife of a post
    You're so lame
    Some underworld spy or the wife of a pos
    Some underworld spy or the wife of a pos
    I had some dreams they were clowns in my
    you walked into the party, like you were
    You had one eye in the rear as you watch
    I had some dreams There were clowns in
    You're so lame
    someone who would spy on the wife of a c
    You had one eye in the middle as you wat
    I had some creams and there's ants in pa
    Your scarf, it was African
    You're where you should be all the time,
    You had one eye in the MIDDLE as you wat
    Well you're where you should be all the
    ...the wife of a clothespin
    The wife of a postman
    '.. your scarpet was africa"
    see story below
    "you had one eye in the mirror and you w
    You astrotegically dipped so low uh huh,
    you've got veins you probably think this
    Well you're where you should be all the
    Some underworld spy Or the wife of a po
    You're where you should be all the time
    You're where you should be all the time
    the topic was africa
    I had some dreams. They were grounds in
    You're so lame
    there were grounds in my coffee
    Well you're where you should be all the
    "You're so lame, you probably think this
    Some underworld spy or the wife of your
    And when you're not your with, someone s
    you're so lame
    You had one eye in the mirror as you wat
    wife of a clothes pin
    i had some cheese they were clowns in my
    wife of a postman
    Well you're where you should be all the
    The wife of a postman! Wife of A postman
    Well, you blew your living in Novia Scot
    Some underworld spy or the wire from a c
    And all the girls seemed to say "B.O.Par
    You're so lame
    Well you're where you should be all the
    You're so lame, you probably think this
    Your scarf it was halfway c**ked You had
    Sme underworld spy or the wife of a post
    Well, you're where you should be all the
    Some underworld spy or the wife of the p
    you scarffed up some apricots
    I had some dreams, they were grounds in
    I had some dreams; they were grounds in
    ...You watched your silk cravat
    I had some cream; there were grounds in
    I don't like reggae oh no I love it Don'
    Wife's in to clothespins.
    wife of a postman
    Your scarlet was apricot You had one eye
    Well I thought it could go either way so
    Someone who would spy on the wife of a c
    You had strategically dipped your loved
    You're where you should be all the time
    You had one eye in the river as you watc

    Other Songs by Carly Simon

    Better Not Tell Her
    Haven't Got Time For The Pain
    Nobody Does It Better
    Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of

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