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    "Lookin' Out My Back Door" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Creedence Clearwater Revival

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Lookin' Out My Back Door" by Creedence Clearwater Revival? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Lookin' Out My Back Door" Lyrics

    Memories of misfits playing in the band
    Anne Marie's an elephant She was singing
    Mammaries and elephants are playing in t
    Memories aren't relevant for playing in
    Anne Marie and Elvin are playin'round th
    Memories and elephants Are playin' in th
    licking out my backdoor
    Ann-Marie was an elephant, just playing
    Do it do it do it, put it up my back doo
    Trampolines are ailments, I'm paying in
    Imagination sets in, heard the soon-eyes
    Dead marines and Elvis are playing in th
    Dude! Doodoo lookin' out my back door
    Look at all the crappy creatures crappin
    Memory's an elephant, of playing in the
    ten marines in helicopters playing in th
    Memories of elephants praying in the ban
    toot, toot, tootin out my back door.
    Dinosaur and four hens, listenin' to Buc
    Memories of elephants were playing in th
    Doo, doo, doo, Token on my back porch Th
    A dinosaur PATROLLER, list'ning to Buck
    Memories benevolent, of playing in the b
    Look at all the happy preachers dancin'
    won't you take a ride on the lion's womb
    Dude, dude, dude
    Memories and elephants were playing in t
    Hemorroids and elephants are playing in
    Tamborines and Elvises are playing in th
    Memories and elephants are playin in the
    Look at all the happy preachers dancing
    Jews, Jews, Jews, lookin' out my back do
    Statue where a time feels. Dinosaurs an
    Heard the soon-eyes singin'

    Other Songs by Creedence Clearwater Revival

    Bad Moon Rising
    Born On The Bayou
    Down on the Corner
    Fortunate Son
    Green River
    Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
    Hey Tonight
    It Came Out of the Sky
    Long as I Can See the Light
    Proud Mary
    Sinister Purpose
    Someday Never Comes
    Sweet Hitchhiker
    Sycamore Leaves
    Travelling Band
    Up Around The Bend
    Who'll Stop The Rain
    Wrote a song for everyone

    Funniest Misheards by Creedence Clearwater Revival