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    "Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Pink Floyd

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2" by Pink Floyd? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2" Lyrics

    Hey, kitchen, leave this cheese alone!
    No dogs or cats are in the classroom
    More orgasms in the classroom
    We don't need no education We don't need
    We don't need no education, we don't ne
    Eich, zvie, let's kill whitey!
    We don't need no education, We don't nee
    No dogs or cats are in the classroom
    The doctor has them in the classroom.
    dukes of hazard in the classroom
    You,yes I didn't hide the plane sex..sta
    Our thoughts are chasm in the classroom
    If you don't eat your Feet How can you
    No Dukes Of Hazard in the class room
    How Can You Have Any Pudding IF YOU DON'
    Our thoughts are hazards in the classroo
    ginger leave them kids alone HEY GINGER
    All in all you're just another p***k in
    Hey teacher leave my kid alone
    On and on it's just another prick that i
    Just an angry prick with no balls
    how can you have any pu**y if you don't
    The Dukes of Hazzard in the bathroom
    How can you have any pudding if you don'
    The dogs and cats are in the bathroom.
    All in all, you're just another d*ck wit
    The Dukes of Hazards are in the classroo
    Holy Ollie Augusta! Now their breaking t
    no dogs are casm in the classroom
    How can you have any pushing if you don'
    Hey Pizza! Leave us kids alone.
    On and on, you're just another ***k in m
    Ducks orgasm in the classroom
    The dogs are castles in the classroom.
    Teacher leave those p***ks alone
    No dark's orgasm in the classroom
    No dark's eye hazel in the classroom.
    No dukes of hazard in the classroom
    The Dukes of Hazard in the class room
    just a kick in the balls
    All in all, you're just a nerd breaking
    Pour it on, it's melting, another brick
    weed on need now, education
    dukes of hazard in the classroom
    Hey Caeser, Leave That b**th Alone (Wh
    How can you have any pudding if you don'
    Heil Hitler! Leave them kids alone!
    The Drug Store has Them in the Classroom
    All in all you're just another dick with
    all in all your just a nother prick in t
    you can't have any pudding if you dont b
    Our thoughts are chasms in the classroom
    The dachsund has 'em in the classroom.
    our thoughts are casms in the classroom
    No dogs or chasms in the classroom
    Hey, Jesus! Leave those pimps alone.
    The Doctor has 'em in the classroom.
    How can you have any pudding if you don'
    The Dukes of Hazzard in the classroom
    we dont need no education we dont need n
    You. Yes You! Kill Whitey!
    No dogs or cats are in the classroom
    We don't need no eggs and bacon.
    How can you have any pudding, if you don
    Thoughts are scism in the classroom
    Hol ihn, hol ihn unter's Dach (German f
    We don't need no education We don't need
    As German you can mishear it as: Holt i
    If you don't beat your meat, you can't h
    No dogs are Kazan in the classroom
    how can u have any chicken if u dont eat
    The Dark Side has them in the classroom.
    Stop! I wanna go home, pick up this unic
    Our thoughts are hazards in the classroo
    Just another dick with no balls OR Just
    Hey, eat the kids! Hey, don't eat the ki
    hol ihn hol ihn unters dach (transl: ge
    No dogs of hazard in the classroom
    no dogs orgasms in the bathroom
    all we want is for the old man to fall
    we don't need no education we don't nee
    No dukes of hazard in the bathroom.
    We don't need no invitation
    The dogs are handsome in the classroom
    We don't need no education. We don't nee
    How can you have any pudding, If you don
    CREATURES leave the kids alone
    HEY! KITCHEN! Leave them Kix alone! All
    The Dukes of Hazzard are in the classroo
    no doctor has them in the classroom
    hol' ihn, hol'n unters Dach, nother bric
    We don't need no education We don't need
    all in all its just another kick in the
    But I misheard them as: No darks or chas
    How can you have any pudding if you can'
    no dogs or cats are in the classroom
    How can you have any pudding if you don'
    Yes, YOU Behind the FRENCH Kid Stand STI
    We don't need no sex vacation
    No dogs or cats erm in the classroom
    No dogs are handsome in the classroom
    All in all it's just another p***k in th
    no dark sark has them in the classroom
    More! Creamed chicken!

    Other Songs by Pink Floyd

    Another Brick in the Wall, Part 1
    Astronomy Domine
    Brain Damage
    Careful With That Axe Eugene
    Comfortably Numb
    Corporal Clegg
    Dark Side of the Moon
    Free Four
    Goodbye Blue Sky
    Have A Cigar
    Hey You
    Learning to Fly
    Matilda Mother
    Nobody Home
    One of My Turns
    One Of These Days
    Pigs (Three Different Ones)
    Run Like Hell
    See Saw
    Summer '68
    The Great Gig in the Sky
    The Trial
    Us And Them
    Waiting For The Worms
    Welcome To The Machine
    Wish You Were Here
    Young Lust

    Funniest Misheards by Pink Floyd