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    Latest Misheard Stories

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    No dogs are Kazan in the classroom

    Artist: Pink Floyd
    Real Lyric: No dark sarcasm in the classroom

    The story:

    When I was young, I was poor, so I only owned a taped copy of The Wall - without the lyrics sheet, of course. For fifteen years I'd been singing 'No dogs are Kazan' everywhere, from bathrooms to campfires.

    Perhaps you should know that 'Kazan' is a rather common, even proverbial name for big dogs here in The Netherlands. That helped to create the misunderstanding in the first place.

    When I was older and rich (i.e. rich enough to own an official release of The Wall AND a lyrics sheet) I found out about many hishearings, including this one. This one is special to me because 'my version' differs very little from the actual version in pronunciation. Try it for yourself.

    The idea that in classooms 'no dogs are Kazan' means that there are hardly any real bullies among teachers that bite rather than bark. Most teachers are scary, excited little fox terriers, called Fifi, who make more noise than impose real threats. That idea would fit in with The Wall for me.

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