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    "Sugar, We're Going Down" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Fall Out Boy

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Sugar, We're Going Down" by Fall Out Boy? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Sugar, We're Going Down" Lyrics

    A loaded God complex, C**k eating bulle
    We're going down, down, little girl in I
    We're going down, down and nillying arou
    another b***h and a hoe
    A loaded gun complex,rnc**k-it and pull
    We're going downtown, and we're turning
    We're going down tuuu in a luleelurah.
    "a loaded gun complex, covered in puddin
    I know ya gotta complex c**k head in pud
    I know you got a complex called gettin'
    I'll be your number one with the bully
    We're going down, down in an iditerod.
    Ill be your number one, we'll go bowling
    I'll be your number one with a mulletrnA
    Wishing to be the freak ***t in your jea
    A loaded gun complex, Suck it and pull i
    Dear mommy I'm watching youtube from the
    Wishing to be the friction in your cheek
    I'm watching you tube from the closet
    A loony goo cornflake, c**k it and pull
    Is it Lunesta how I'm just dying to be h
    Is this more than you bought me for yet?
    We're going down, down, neenul nuu nee n
    I'm watching you two form a closet wishi
    We're going down mom, in a lily around a
    Drop a whore, break her in
    I'm going down, down on a merry-go-round
    We're going downtown on a blueberry ride
    "But you're just a lie and snog"
    Lie in the glass, next to the mausoleum
    A Llama gone convex
    Loaded gun complex, c**k-eating bullet.
    A lonely guy complex, c**k it and pull i
    We're going down, down, in a lily-around
    Trabajar, break a nail, and when you're
    A lonely God complex, c**kied and bullie
    im a-nudging your bed clothes, but you h
    you were sleeping in a centipeide, for s
    Drop A W***e, Break A Nail
    I know you got cornflakes, cocky a pull
    Don't mind me, I'm watching YouTube from
    Oh don't mind me, I'm watching YouTube f
    Wishing to be the freak s**t in your che
    We're going down, down, in a merry-go-ro
    I'm just a notch in your belt pads But y
    I'll be your number one with a bully. A

    Other Songs by Fall Out Boy

    20 Dollar Nose Bleed
    A Little Less 16 Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"
    Alone Together
    America's Suitehearts
    Bang The Doldrums
    Carpal Tunnel of Love
    Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends
    Dance, Dance
    Dead On Arrival
    Fame Is Less Than Infamy
    Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)
    Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On a Bad Bet
    Honorable Mention
    Hot To The Touch, Cold On The Inside
    I Don't Care
    I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me
    I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth
    I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears And None On My Fingers
    Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued
    My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)
    Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner
    Sergeant Politeness
    Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year
    Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today
    Thanks For The Memories
    The (After) Life of the party
    The Mighty Fall
    The Phoenix
    The Take Over, The Break's Over
    This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race
    Tiffany Blews
    Twin Skeleton's(Hotel in NYC)
    Uma Thurman
    West Coast Smoker

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