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    "Holla Back Girl" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Gwen Stefani

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Holla Back Girl" by Gwen Stefani? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Holla Back Girl" Lyrics

    I ain't no harley fat girl
    i aint no party fat girl
    I ain't no Harlem Black Girl.
    I ain't no Harlem black girl
    I aint no Harlem Black girl
    They should eat bananas
    I ain't no holo deck girl
    There ain't no harm in that girl
    I ain't no harlem fat girl
    I ain't no Harlem fat girl
    I mix bananas
    There ain't no hall of fat girls
    I ain't no holodeck girl.
    I ain't no harvard black girl
    A few times I've been round your flat
    Ain't no ugly fat girl
    I ain't no horny fat girl.
    The sheep are bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S
    This shirt is my nana's. M-Y-N-A-N-A-S
    Let me hear you say, Anish is bananas, B
    I ain't no Harlem bat girl
    There aint no hall of fat girls
    Oh, lick my sh*t.
    Ain't no hollow black girl
    Because there ain't no hall of fat girls
    Ain't No Holla Fat Girl
    Few times with a redneck chick.
    I ain't no Harlem black girl.
    Ain't No Harm In That Girl
    Ain't no harm in that girl
    Cuz I ain't no harlem black girl
    Oooh, kiss my s**t, kiss my s**t
    i ain't no horny fat girl
    'Cause I ain't no horny black girl.
    Kiss my sh*t, kiss my sh*t
    I ain't no holla fat girl.
    "I ain't no hog-o-fat girl"
    A few times I've been around that track
    There ain't no harm in that, girl
    There ain't no hall of fat, girl.
    You ain't no ball of fat girl
    I ain't no Harlem Fat Girl!
    I ain't no hall of fat girls
    I ain't no harlem bad girl.
    I ain't no Harlem fat girl
    I ain't no holodeck girl
    I ain't no Harley Fat Girl!
    I ain't no hollenbeck girl
    Aint no harlem black girl
    Aint no harlem black girl
    So it's not just gonna happen like that
    Oooh, touch my sh#t, touch my sh#t
    A few times been 'round that track but i

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    4 In The Morning
    If I Was a Rich Girl
    The Sweet Escape

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