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    "We Built This City" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Starship

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "We Built This City" by Starship? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "We Built This City" Lyrics

    My colon plays La Bamba
    Mark only plays the mamba, listen to the
    We built this city on Mars and Earth
    My pony plays the mamba, listen to the r
    We killed this fishy on Pork Head Road
    Marconi plays the bon bon.
    We killed this kitty with sticks & stone
    Forty-one days of mambas...
    We built this city on logs and coal
    My pony plays the mamba
    We dont be silly with rock and roll
    The milk is sitting
    the milk is sitting! the milk sitting o
    A corny place to mamba
    We built this chippy on sausage rolls
    We buit this city on broken bones.
    We just want our pants, dear
    We still get silly on hotdog rolls.
    My pony plays the mamba
    milk and cereal, milk and cereal and roc
    When milk gets in it...
    My corny place to Mamba.
    we built this city on sausage rolls
    my pony plays the vampire
    My colleagues played the mamba
    My Coney Pays Tabonga. I googled Tabong
    My pony plays the bon bon
    lil' joey complains to momma, listen to
    Who hides the wrecking ball in two-watt
    My pony plays the mambo
    My accordion plays the mamba
    We totally replaced La Bamba
    We kilt this kitty we kilt this kitty
    In Nilfisk city, in Nilfisk city there's
    While Tony plays the mamba
    We built this city on the wrong damn roa
    If only Jane Fonda would listen to the r
    We broke this city with rocks and rolls.
    Cause we're the simple fools
    But 'least we run the cho-home, oh, that
    My pony plays the number
    Calling through to your schools.

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