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    "MMMBop" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Hanson

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "MMMBop" by Hanson? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "MMMBop" Lyrics

    Can you see that a flower is a rose? Gi
    When you're old you've lost your hair, B
    Who rocks the papertowel, I do rock the
    It's gonna be a cheesy-o road.
    Doin it up my dupah
    You go through all the pain and strife A
    We're gay yea
    Mmmpob Doobedall shoove it all ala Do Wa
    Yesterday an Asian took his life He only
    mmmbop doey up the washingup
    bit the towel, bow, do wop
    You have so many relationships isn't tha
    Only wanted to relax
    Can you tell me, which flower's gonna gr
    "Zordon don't want to really care"
    mmmbop, take your top off, doowop
    Mmmbop pop the top i do i dude i do i po
    Oh yeah, they're all going on slim fast.
    MMMBop break the top ba du bop
    It's gonna be a cheesy-o road
    It's gonna be a cheesy-ohhhhhhh
    It's a chicken no one knows
    Itīs a sugered nose
    Mmm Bop I do it up my doowop
    Granny wants a loosy
    Yesterday an Asian ended his life only h
    You said you're gay but you don't know
    You can plan a windy nose
    Yes, the man who was Asian took his life
    Yesterday an asian took his life, only w
    A man who was asian took his life he onl
    so we just gone to Medicare and the Indi

    Other Songs by Hanson

    A Song to Sing
    At Christmas
    Penny And Me
    Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
    Runaway Run
    What Christmas Means To Me
    When You're Gone
    Where's the Love
    With You In Your Dreams

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