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    "Message In A Bottle" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Police

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Message In A Bottle" by Police? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Message In A Bottle" Lyrics

    A year has passed since I broke my nose
    Ketchup in a Bottle
    Massage in a Brothel
    Knickers in a parcel
    A year has passed since I broke my nose
    Lizards in my bottom...
    A year has passed since I broke my nose.
    Send a nana SOS
    A year has passed since I broke my nose
    Massage in a bottom
    Massaging my b***hole.
    Alan lost a seagul
    Just across the way, an island lost at s
    A year has passed since I broke my knob
    I'll send a nesso-ess to the world
    message in a bottom
    A year has passed since I broke my nose,
    Laisse le gin dans l'bateau
    A hundred billion castaways looking for
    Mrs Gena Bartoo
    I'll send an SOS to a squirrel
    A year has passed since I broke my nose.
    Cindy not an SOS
    Rescue me before I fall into this barrel
    Scrub it out with SOS
    Massaging my butthole
    Message in a bar stool
    A year has passed since I broke my nose
    Massage In The Bathroom
    massage in a butthole
    Message in a butt-hole
    Messing up the bathroom
    sausage in a bunhole
    Send Bernard an SOS
    Sending out a Ness of S
    It's been a year since I broke my nose.
    Its been a year since i broke my nose.
    Ill send an S.O.S. To your heart
    Sunday night on CBS.
    messaging a bathroom
    Message in a butthole !
    A year has passed since I broke my nose
    A year has passed since I broke my nose
    A year has passed since I broke my nose
    Message in a Park, oh yeah

    Other Songs by Police

    Can't Stand Losing You
    Canary In A Coal Mine
    De Do Do Do De Da Da Da
    Demolition Man
    Don't Stand So Close to Me
    Every Breath You Take
    Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
    I Can't Stand Losing You
    King Of Pain
    On Any Other Day
    Rehumanize Yourself
    So Lonely
    Spirits In The Material World
    Synchronicity II
    Too Much Information
    Voices Inside My Head
    Walking In Your Footsteps
    Walking On The Moon
    Wrapped Around Your Finger

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