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    "Down Under" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Men At Work

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Down Under" by Men At Work? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Down Under" Lyrics

    I said to the man, are you trying to tem
    Where women go and men fondle
    Do you come from Orlando -lando?
    He just smiled and gave me a vegetable s
    I come from a land of love
    Do you come from a londoner love
    I come from a land out of love.
    I come from a land of hunger.
    big a mac a sandwich
    Do you come from Orlando, baby
    Traveling with the fright of Gumby...
    Where women blow and men thunder.
    He handed me a Big A mac a sandwhich
    Where women go and men wonder - me Where
    Where the women roll and make thunder
    He just smiled and gave me a bit of a sa
    Little C*nt from a land down under
    I come from a land down under Where wome
    "Do you come from Orlando with love"?
    Do you come from a land down under? the
    I said to the man, "Are you trying to t
    Do you come from a land down under? Wher
    I am bred from a man named Brazil
    I come from land down under, where women
    Where men go and then chunder!
    Do you come from Orlando, my love?
    I come from a land of mango
    Do you come to Arlanda on monday?
    Travelling on a flight with Gumby on a h
    I come from a land down under Where wome
    I come from the land of Brasil.
    Where women blow and men thunder.
    he just smiled and gave me a bite of his
    I come from a land down under, You canno
    I met a strange lady, she made me nervou
    Do you come from a land down under? Wher
    I come from a long line of love
    Traveling in a fried-out combie On a hea
    Six Foot Four and Full of Mustard
    Do you come from Holanda
    I come from Orlando -lando.
    Do you come from orlanda, my love
    I met a man in Bombay With a snack jar a
    He just smiled and gave a bite of my san
    You better run, you better take a bus
    Where leaders flow and change gender.
    Travelling with a fried out convict
    He just smiled and gave me a bit of my s
    I went up to a man named Russell
    He just smiled and gave me a vitamin san
    He just smiled and gave me a bite of his
    I come from Melinda oh yeah

    Other Songs by Men At Work

    It's A Mistake
    Land Down Under
    Snakes and Ladders
    Who Can It Be Now

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