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    "Bohemian Rhapsody" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Queen

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Bohemian Rhapsody" Lyrics

    The algebra has a devil for a sidekick e
    Mitch Miller, no, he will not let you go
    "Ve vill not" (i.e. a German accent) Ve
    Sparing his life from his pork sausages
    Sparing his life from his warm sauce of
    Unga bunga lightning...
    The Earl-Ze-Poop has a devil put aside f
    Miss Miller, no! We will not let you go!
    Is this the real life or is this just Ba
    Can I lay you, Can I lay you
    Hit me with the windows, doesn't really
    The algebra that the devil put aside for
    Spare him his life and his Wall's sausag
    Beelzebub has a telephone inside for me.
    Spare him his life from his mum's sausag
    Makes me laugh! No, we will not let you
    Scallaboosh, Scallaboosh, will you do th
    Spare him his life or his pork sausages
    Beelzebub has a devil for a desiplie
    Spare him his life from his wife's canop
    Scare a Moose, scare a moose, will you d
    Hit me where the wind blows...
    Hit me where the wind blows, Doesn't mak
    Spare him his life from his warm sausage
    We'll see, uh, NOOO! We will not let you
    sharing his life on his pork sausages
    Goodbye, Mr Blobby...
    Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard me
    Shcalaboosh Shcalaboosh will you do the
    He yells "Hey Bub!", have the devil put
    Fish miller will not let him go
    Caught in Alaska No escape from reality
    So you think you can stuff me in spinach
    He's got a moose, He's got a moose, will
    Beelzebub has a devil pull his sack for
    Spare him his life and his lone piece of
    Dear Algebra, has the devil put his sack
    Shalamoo, Shalamoo, will you do the bad
    Fiesta Bob has a devil put aside for me
    Hit me with the windows...
    Just knock it out, just knock it right o
    The applesauce has the devil put aside f
    I'm just a pool boy
    Scare a Moose, scare a Moose, will you d
    Wish me luck!
    Scallaboosh, scallaboosh, will you do th
    Scatta moosh scatta moosh will you do th
    Beelzebub has a devil for a son for me
    scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do th
    s**tcan all the way from America
    Spare him his life from his warm saucy c
    Spare him his life from this monster set
    Standing in line for his pour sausagey
    little high, little low, squash a mellon
    The alzeboop has a devil put aside for m
    Hit me with a window
    Ich bin la, NO! we will not let you go!
    I see a little silly pet beside a man...
    send a bolt of lightning, very very frig
    "But he's naked all the time..."
    spending his life in this monster city
    The air's a bub, has the devil put a psy
    Beelzebub has the devil for a sidecar
    Is this real life? Is this just my fanta
    Mama, Just killed a bear
    Is history alive?
    Spare him his life for his four sausages
    Mama just killed a man
    The algeboop has a devil for a son, poor
    Beelzebub keeps a devil in the sideboard
    This little lad, we will not let him go
    Beelzebub is a devil in a sideboard
    The algebra is a devil to decipher, for
    spearing his wife with a warm sausagey
    Is this real life or is this just can I
    Swearing in life to the wrong sausages!
    put my butt against his head pulled my f
    fish killer! she will not let them go!
    The algebra had a devil for a son for te
    Mama, just killed a bear
    Be'elzebub has a devil for a sideboard
    Beelzebub has a devil of a sideboard, ee
    The elves above has the devil on a sideb
    Ich mil nocht no, we will not let you g
    Spare him a slice of his warm sausages
    I aint' got no future or family tree but
    Fish gotta get right... Fish gotta get r
    Lots and lots of lightning, very very fr
    Wish me luck, no! We will not let u go..
    Makes me laugh! No, we will not let you
    Spare him his life from this wrong atroc
    The err de bump has a terrible decite fo
    Spare him his life for his pork sausages
    Sparing his life for his mom's atrocity
    I'm just a pool boy I need no sympathy..
    Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard, m
    Scatter moose, scatter moose Will you do
    Mama just broke my balls Put a trigger t
    Spare him his life from his warm cuppa t
    I see a little seaman of a man
    Put my gun against his head Now I'm trig
    Beelzebub has a devil for a side-board
    Sparing his life from his own sauce of t
    I see a little silhouetto of a lamb Scar
    Scare a moose, scare a moose Will you do
    I see a little silhouetto of a moose
    He's just a poor boy from a poor family
    Spare him his life from these pork and s
    Mama, Just killed a man. Put a butt agai
    Beelzebub has a double motorbike for me
    scat a moose, scat a moose, will you do
    Scare a moose, scare a moose Will you do
    this will no go, we should let it go!
    The elves can't poop and the devil has a
    Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge...
    Beezulbub has a temple put aside for me.
    The elves of bud has the devil put aside
    Spare him his life from his Walls Sausag
    Ee-chee-ya-hoo, do not let me go
    Hit me with a window, doesn't really mat
    Me has a poop, has the devil bought a si
    Carrion, Carrion
    Ich bin Laut! Nooo! We will not let you
    Beelzebub had a devil for a son oh heeee
    Beelzebub has a devil for a son - that's
    Bohemian Rap city
    Beelzebub has a devil at his sidearm: Me
    Scat a Moose Scat a Moose, will you do t
    Galileo (Galileo) Galileo (Galileo) Ga
    Sparing his life from these "Walls" saus
    Pre-algebra has a devil put aside for me
    Is this the real life? Is this just Bat
    Scarabouche, Scarabouche Will you do the
    Spreading his muffins with warm cottage
    Spare him his life from the pork sausage
    Bohemian Rap City
    The bee's bum has a devil of a son for m
    Swearing his life on his poor-socity
    Scary moose, scary moose, will you do th
    Its got a moose.
    The elves have come, has the devil been
    I need those striptease
    Miss Miller, she drinks rum & coke
    Come on, just kill the man. Put the gun
    (Let him go!) Aunt Milda, we will not le
    easy come easy go, I got high, off this
    Sparing his life from this warm sausagee
    Hi-C a little seal a wet tuba man
    Sparing his life from his strong saucity
    Spare him his life from these warm sausa
    He's got a mouche, he's got a mouche wil
    The Apple Tub has a devil for a son call
    Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard
    Mitch Miller, we will not let you go.
    He's got a moose, got a moose can you do
    gottal leave it all behind and take a cr
    The elvis cub has a devil for a son for
    Scat-a-moosh, scat-a-moosh Will you do t
    Be Still Now! We will not let you go...
    Scare a moose, scare a moose when you do
    Beelzabub as the devil has a sign for me
    Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard, w
    Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard.
    Screaming tooshy screaming tooshy Will y
    Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard -
    beelzebub and the devil have a sidecar
    Mama just killed our Stan
    Spare him his life from these warm sausa
    Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard me
    Shoelace My time has gone
    Hit me where the wind blows Doesn't real
    Caught in a lamp light
    The owls above, has the devil bought a s
    i wish id never been boiled in oil
    Hit me where the wind blows
    I see a little still wet of a man Scram
    The Algernons have a temple reserved for
    Cod in a Landslide
    Mama just killed a man, put a gun agains
    The elder poop has a devil motorcycle fo
    The algae bloom is a devil fart in symph
    Sometimes I wish I'd never been farted o
    Scan a moose, scan a moose do the fandan

    Other Songs by Queen

    Living On My Own
    A Kind Of Magic
    Another One Bites The Dust
    Bicycle Race
    Crazy Little Thing Called Love
    Death On Two Legs
    Don't Stop Me Now
    Fat Bottom Girls
    Flash Gordon
    Flick of the Wrist
    Hammer to Fall
    I Want It All
    I Want To Break Free
    It's A Kind Of Magic
    Killer Queen
    Life Is Real (Song For Lennon)
    Love Kills
    My Fairy King
    Now I'm Here
    One Vision
    One Year of Love
    Princes Of The Universe
    Radio Ga Ga
    Sail Away Sweet Sister
    Save Me
    Seaside Rendezvous
    Sheer Heart Attack
    Somebody to Love
    Son and Daughter
    Staying Power
    Stone Cold Crazy
    Teo Torriate (Let Us Cling Together)
    The prophet's song
    Tie Your Mother Down
    Under Pressure
    We Are The Champions
    We Will Rock You
    Who Wants To Live Forever
    You're My Best Friend

    Funniest Misheards by Queen