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    "Bat Out Of Hell" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Meat Loaf

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Bat Out Of Hell" by Meat Loaf? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Bat Out Of Hell" Lyrics

    Like a Battery Hen
    I'm gonna hit the highway like a battery
    Goblins are screaming at the fires of Be
    Like a swimmer before the gates of Devon
    There's a man in the shower with a gun i
    Oh I swear I saw a young boy Down in the
    I'm gonna hit the highway like a batteri
    I never saw the sodding kerb 'til it was
    and I never seen the sod of turf until i
    "And I never saw the slag in her till it
    Theres a man in the shadows with a bum i
    There's a man in pajamas with some gum i
    I'm a hit the border like a battery brea
    I'm gonna hit the highway like a batteri
    Like a Cilla Black fan on bike.
    Like a bat on a hill
    im gonna hit the highway like a batterin
    like a Cilla Black fan on bike
    A Cilla Black Fan on Bike
    I'm gonna hit the highway like a batteri
    I never saw that sad eyed Turk till it w
    And I never saw the sodding curb til it
    I'm gonna hit the highway like a batteri
    I never see the sad-eyed turd till it's
    a cilla black fan on bike
    I'm gonna hit the highway like a batteri
    Like a Cilla Black fan I'm mad !
    ...tearin' up the hole, faster than any
    I'm gunna hit the highway like a batteri
    I'm gonna hit the highway like a baterin
    I never see the sun occur till it's way
    Like a ratass of hell
    Nothing really rocks and nothing really
    I think somebody somewhere must be talle
    And nothing in Iraq And nothing in Iran

    Other Songs by Meat Loaf

    Hot Patootie - Bless My Soul
    I'd Do Anything for Love
    I'd Lie For You (And That's The Truth)
    Modern Girl
    Not A Dry Eye In The House
    Paradise By The Dashboard Light
    Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad
    Who is the Leader of the People
    You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth

    Funniest Misheards by Meat Loaf