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    "Walk This Way" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Aerosmith

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Walk This Way" by Aerosmith? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Walk This Way" Lyrics

    Pretty s**tty in the middle, so you swin
    Corn display
    Haunches sway
    Horse display
    Horse display
    Born to Sway
    with her t*tty in the middle she'll swin
    So I took a big s**t at the high school
    Walk and Sway, Walk and Sway
    She starts swinging with your balls in t
    That Sheena Lee was a real young breeder
    Walrus Wang
    Gorgeous Wayne
    f**k the slave
    He said you ain't seen nothin' till you
    Marcus Wayne
    Just Take A Piss!
    gorgeous wang
    hey dirty nipple, put your titty in the
    Horse and sleigh
    Go on and do the sway.
    I met Sheila was a real bad eater At tim
    Gorgeous Wayne!
    With the tittie in the middle
    Put your titty in the middle then we'll
    Dr. Suede!
    So I took away her pants at the high sch
    Gorgeous Wang
    My friend thought it was "Marcus Wade"
    You ain't see nothin', download a muffin
    you ain't seen nothin' till you download
    "Gorgeous Wayne . . ."
    She told me to Rock and sway Rock and s
    Was a real dog breeder

    Other Songs by Aerosmith

    Back in the Saddle
    Big Ten Inch Record
    Deuces Are Wild
    Don't Want To Miss a Thing
    Dream On
    Dude (Looks Like A Lady)
    Eat the Rich
    Hole In My Soul
    I Donīt Want To Miss A Thing
    Janie's Got a Gun
    Just Push Play
    Last Child
    Livin' On the Edge
    Love in an Elevator
    Rag Doll
    Remember (Walking In The Sand)
    Same Old Song and Dance
    Shut Up And Dance
    Something's Gotta Give
    Sweet Emotion
    The Farm
    Theme from Spider Man
    Train Kept a Rollin'
    Voodoo Medicine Man
    What it Takes

    Funniest Misheards by Aerosmith