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    Latest Misheard Stories

    Artist: Statler Brothers

    Song: Eve

    The Story: Don't eat the fruit in the garden, Eden,, It wasn't in God's natural plan., You were only a rib,, And look at what you did,, To Adam, the father of Man.

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    Artist: Queens of the Stone Age

    Song: You Can't Quit Me Baby

    The Story: You smell like goat, I'll see you in hell

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    Artist: Starship

    Song: Sarah

    The Story: All the b***h had said, all been washed in black

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    Artist: Iron Maiden

    Song: The Prisoner

    The Story: And my blunt is my ho now

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    Artist: Pearl Jam

    Song: Jeremy

    The Story: At home, drawing pictures, Of mounds of tots, With ham on top

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    seven seagull!
    his rifle!
    in me!
    the fishmaster!
    el beret!
    dreamy eye just staring into night!
    on a journey to a story of the smile!
    whispers the

    Artist: Nightwish
    Song: Wishmaster
    Real Lyric: Master!Apprentice!Heartborne! 7th seekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the WishmasterMaster!Apprentice!Heartborne! 7th seekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the WishmasterElberethLorienA dreamy-eyed child staring into nightOn a journey to storyteller`s mindWhispers a wish speaks with the stars the words are silent in HimDistant sigh from a lonely heart"I`ll be with you soon, my Shalafi"Grey Heavens my destinyMaster!Apprentice!Heartborne! 7th seekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the WishmasterSilveraStarbreezeSla-Mori the one known only by HimTo august realms, the sorcery withinIf you hear the call of arcane lore,Your world shall rest on Earth no moreA maiden elf calling with her cunning song"Meet me at the Inn of Last Home"Heartborne will find the way!Master!Apprentice!Heartborne! 7th seekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the WishmasterMaster!Apprentice!Heartborne! 7th seekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the Wishmasterguitar soloWishmasterCrusade for Your willA child, dreamfinderThe Apprentice becoming...guitar soloMaster!Apprentice!Heartborne! 7th seekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the WishmasterMaster!Apprentice!Heartborne! 7th seekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the WishmasterMaster!Apprentice!Heartborne! 7th seekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the Wishmaster

    The story:


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