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    Latest Misheard Stories

    Artist: Statler Brothers

    Song: Eve

    The Story: Don't eat the fruit in the garden, Eden,, It wasn't in God's natural plan., You were only a rib,, And look at what you did,, To Adam, the father of Man.

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    Artist: Queens of the Stone Age

    Song: You Can't Quit Me Baby

    The Story: You smell like goat, I'll see you in hell

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    Artist: Starship

    Song: Sarah

    The Story: All the b***h had said, all been washed in black

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    Artist: Iron Maiden

    Song: The Prisoner

    The Story: And my blunt is my ho now

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    Artist: Pearl Jam

    Song: Jeremy

    The Story: At home, drawing pictures, Of mounds of tots, With ham on top

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    I'm looking for a lover who won't blow my brother
    She's so hard to find.

    Artist: Eagles
    Song: Take It Easy
    Real Lyric: I'm looking for a lover who won't blow my cover She's so hard to find.

    The story:

    A friend of mine sang it that way when we were out cruising. Now I can't listen to that song without cracking up.

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    Sibling rivalry can be a terrible thing ... but really funny.

    kjones62 Mar 16, 2012 5:20 pm

    I too always thought it wasthis way andwas singing along with a friend who corrected me , HOWEVER this friend is in a band and they coverthis song and now he ALWAYS sings it my way!

    kathyrieck Jan 10, 2012 3:34 pm

    I had to stop crying to comment I was laughing so hard!!!!!

    DSRTJEM Mar 18, 2011 10:23 pm

    That's not taking it easy, that's just plain crazy. XD

    PantsMan Dec 08, 2010 8:01 am

    lol just lol

    nikura2001 Mar 21, 2010 5:53 pm

    LMFAO! Thats some of the funniest shit ever,true or not!! I think every guy hopes not to have one of these chicks.

    skinner Mar 07, 2010 10:28 am

    Yeah, I am too. LOL

    Stormeevampira Feb 27, 2009 1:52 pm

    That truly is better than the original, and I'm an Eagles fan.

    tgshippy Aug 14, 2008 4:51 am