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    Latest Misheard Stories

    Artist: Statler Brothers

    Song: Eve

    The Story: Don't eat the fruit in the garden, Eden,, It wasn't in God's natural plan., You were only a rib,, And look at what you did,, To Adam, the father of Man.

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    Artist: Queens of the Stone Age

    Song: You Can't Quit Me Baby

    The Story: You smell like goat, I'll see you in hell

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    Artist: Starship

    Song: Sarah

    The Story: All the b***h had said, all been washed in black

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    Artist: Iron Maiden

    Song: The Prisoner

    The Story: And my blunt is my ho now

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    Artist: Pearl Jam

    Song: Jeremy

    The Story: At home, drawing pictures, Of mounds of tots, With ham on top

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    But wait I hear
    they're prissy bourgeois
    all that

    Artist: Will Smith
    Real Lyric: But wait I hear they're prissy boozewine all that

    The story:

    I was trying to impress this chick at Happy Days
    in Gastonia NC (the bartender) on karaoke night
    and accidentally said that. Unfortunately I was
    with a couple of friends from my Young Republicans
    Club, and they started accusing me of watching
    MSNBC or as we call, Making Some New Brainless
    Creatures (Bourgeois is a term that socialists use
    for the ones that actually put people to work aka
    the business owners in the private sector NOT
    government. This ALMOST got me kicked out of Young
    Republicans. Unfortunately, for me some of my
    friends were wearing Romney Paul Buttons and as I
    was trying to explain myself to the bartender. As
    I was getting a Sprite (I was the Designated
    Driver because Republicans are all about Personal
    Responsibility). Lets say I did not get the
    bartender's number due to my friends' behavior at
    the bar.

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