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    "Take A Chance On Me" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Abba

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Take A Chance On Me" by Abba? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Take A Chance On Me" Lyrics

    Ollie OxenfreeTake a chance on me.
    If you chance your mind (Jackie Chan)I'm
    Take a chunk of meat
    If you change your mind On the bursting
    Phee Phee
    Listen to some music, maybe do some coca
    If you change your line, in the changing
    If you hang to dry on the urfting line
    If you change your mind On the birthday
    If you lose your mind, in the welfare li
    If you're all alone with a pretty person
    If you're all alone with a pretty purse
    Take a chance on me (Come on, come on an
    If you change your mind on the French ai
    If you change your mind On the birthday
    You wanted to leave me there/ afraid I w
    To jiz on me
    Chica, change your mind, on the first-gr
    I'm the ostrich queen Take a chance on m
    I'm the ostrich queen Take a chance on m
    Chick-a-chazz on me
    If you cheat you're blind, I'm the freei
    If you change you mind on the virgin lif
    If you lose your mind, I'm the first in
    If you change your mind I'm the worst in
    You wanted to leave me there, afraid I w
    audience with me
    Upgrade to a love affair

    Other Songs by Abba

    Dancing Queen
    Does Your Mother Know
    Gimme Gimme Gimme
    Happy New Year
    Hasta Manana
    He Is Your Brother
    Head Over Heels
    Hole In Your Soul
    Honey Honey
    I am the City
    I Have A Dream
    Knowing Me, Knowing You
    Lay All Your Love On Me
    Mama Mia
    Man In The Middle
    Money, Money, Money
    My Mama Said
    One of Us
    Our Last Summer
    Put On Your White Sombrero
    Ring Ring
    Rock me
    Summer Night City
    Super Trouper
    Thank you for the music
    The Name of the Game
    The Winner Takes It All
    Under Attack
    Voulez Vous

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