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    "All I Wanna Do" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Sheryl Crow

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "All I Wanna Do" by Sheryl Crow? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "All I Wanna Do" Lyrics

    The bartender looks up from his one eye
    The bartender looked up from his white a
    All I wanna do is hang some dung the sun comes up with a ceremonial
    Until the sun comes up only Santa wants
    Hosing and scrubbing as best they can in
    Until the sun comes up over cinema, a co
    Until the sun comes up and the salmon on
    All I wanna do is hurt someone, I got a
    until the sun comes up or i'll settle fo
    All I want to do is have some fun until
    Until the sun comes up on the sentimenta
    And the sun goes down over Santa Moni Co
    The bartender looks up from his one ass.
    Well his looks played fuddley to me
    .....over sandy moldy cupfulloflard!
    until the sun comes up, and i said "im o
    until the sun comes down and the sat'day
    Until the sun comes up over Sante Moni c
    Until the sun comes up I'm gonna settle
    Until the sun comes up on i said i wanna
    Until the sun comes up and the saints an
    Until the sun comes up over salt pepper
    The sun comes up on a ceremony fit for t
    Until the sun comes up I'm gonna send em
    Untill the sun came up over on a couple
    Till the sun goes down i'll salt a coupl
    all I wanna do is hug someone
    the bar tender looks up from his wallet
    All I wanna do is take a run Until the t
    Until the sun comes up all the sand demo
    When The Sun Comes Up Over A Ceromony A
    When my son came up and I sat upon a cou
    until the sun comes up or the Santa Mon-
    All I wanna do is Hooked on Phonics.
    untill the sun comes up and ive had it w
    Until the sun comes on a ceramony a coup
    All I wanna do is have a bun
    And a heavy couple enters the bar Danger
    My friend the communist holds meetings i
    and hes playing ugly to me and i wonder
    yeah b***hes wooey
    until the sun comes up over santa , i wa
    Until the sun comes up for the cinema to
    Until the sun comes up on a sentimental
    Until the sun comes up or that Santa let
    Until the sun comes up over Sunday Morni
    The bartender looks up from his one ass
    Until the sun comes up over sannamonna c
    It ain't no Culture Club, either

    Other Songs by Sheryl Crow

    A Change
    Everyday is a Winding Road
    First Cut Is The Deepest
    If It Makes You Happy
    Members Only
    My Favorite Mistake
    Soak Up the Sun
    Steve McQueen
    Strong Enough
    Tomorrow Never Dies

    Funniest Misheards by Sheryl Crow