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    "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Eiffel 65

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" by Eiffel 65? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" Lyrics

    I'm blue i believe i'm a guy, i believe
    I'm blue; I'm a Queen Amidala.
    I'm blue, I'm in need of a guy, I'm in n
    I'm Blue if i were green i would die, if
    I'm blue, Apple tree, I will die (If I w
    I'm blue Da ba dee da ba die I believe I
    I'm blue and I will die if I eat apple p
    I'm blue, I'm in need of an guy, I'm in
    I do, I believe I will die, I believe I
    I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di, if I was g
    I'm blue If I OD'd I would die
    I'm blue if I was green I would die
    I'm blue I believe I can die
    I'm blue and if that was me I would die
    Da doob I will be like a guy
    I'm blue, If I ODed I would Die
    I'm blue if I was green I would die
    I'm blue if I were green I would die
    I'm blue, I would beat up Udai, I would
    I'm blue I believe I will die...
    i'm blue i belive i'm a god
    I'm blue if i was pink i would
    I'm blue I'm in need of a guide I'm blue
    Without a beat I would die
    I'm blue if I was green I would die
    I'm blue grab the flea grab the fly
    I'm blue and I'm in need of a guy
    I'm blue I'm in need of a guy I'm in nee
    I'm blue, I'm in need of a guy
    I'm blue, I'm the demon of night...
    I'm blue, Double-D double-die, Double-D
    I'm Blue And in need of a guy I'm in nee
    I'm Blue and in need of a guy, and I'm i
    I'm blue. I'm a dude, I'm a guy. I'm a
    I believe I'm a guy
    I'm blue if I was green I would die, If
    I'm blue I'm in need of a dye I'm in nee
    I'm blue if I was green I would die
    Im blue, wanna beat off a guy, gonna bea
    if i was green i would... i am in need o
    I'm blue, if I were green I would die
    I'm Blue if I was green I would die....
    I'm blue if I was green I would die.
    I'm blue, I will bleed I will die, I bel
    I Do, I believe I'm a guy
    I was eager to die!!!
    I'm blue, I'm in need of a guy, if I was
    double "D" double die
    I'm blue, I'm a green apple guy.
    I'm Blue, Justin Bieber will die, Justin
    I'm blue I'm in need of a guy
    I'm blue I was beat up and died
    I'm blue i believe i can fly
    I'm Blue, I'm in need of a guy and I'm i
    I'm blue, I will meet other guys
    I've been deed I've been dyed
    I'm blue if I was green I would die
    I'm blue and I'm in need of a diet I'm
    Blue like my carcass it stands for all t
    I'm Blue I'm indeed a blue guy
    I'm blue in Aberdeen, I will die in Aber
    I'm blue in aberdeen i would die
    I'm blue If I would pee, I would die If
    Im blue if i was was green i would die
    I'm blue, Aberdeen I will die, In Aberde
    I'm a guy from Aberdeen I'm a guy from A
    Im Blue if I was Green I would die
    I'm blue, if I was green I would die, If
    I'm Blue, I'm in need of a guy, I'm in n
    I'm blue. I was beat as a child. I was
    Im Blue im in need of a guy
    i'm blue and i'm in need of a guy,i'm in
    I'm blue,in Aberdeen I will die , in Abe
    I have a cousin and she is so true
    blue are the piglets that live inside me
    I'm blue I'm in need of a guy
    I'm blue, like a bee
    I'm blue in Aberdeen i would die in Aber
    im blue, if i eat peas i will die
    I'm Blue, I'm in need of a Guy
    I'm blue, I'm in need of a guy, I'm in n
    I'm Blue I was beat by a guy
    I'm Blue, if I were me, I would die I'm
    eat poo Im in need of a a diet
    It's a violent pornography, taking s**t'
    i'm blue, i'm in need of a guy, i'm in n
    I'm blue I'm in need of guy. I'm gay an
    I'm Blue, If I would bleed I would die,
    A s**t, a s**t, we all fall down.
    I'm blue I'm in need of a guy
    im blue in the need of a guy
    i'm blue, i od'd and i died
    i'm blue, i was beat up and died
    im blue im in need of a guy,im in need o
    I'm blue, I will bleed out the dye.
    im blue im going to beat up this guy. go
    I'm Blue, Da Ba De Da Ba Di If that were
    I'm blue if I was green I would die.....
    blue like my toilet it's sanitized
    i'm blue; i would beat off a guy
    I'm blue, I was beat up and died
    I'm Blue, I'm in need of a Dye
    Im Blue, That is me, That is I.
    i'm blue, i would beat up a guy
    I'm blue I just peed on a dime, I just p
    I'm blue but in need of a dye
    I will beat off a guy, and I will beat o
    I'm blue if i was green i would die
    I'm blue if I were green I would die, if
    im blue if i was green i would die
    I like tooo eeat steak, but, if I eat st
    I am blue If I O.D'd I would Die If I OD
    iam high and i want to cry
    I'm blue for three thousand dollars, for
    I'm blue, in Aberdeen I will die...
    Im Blue Im in need of a guy, im in need
    I'm blue if I was green I would die
    i'm blueif i was green i would die
    I'm blue, If I were green I would die, I
    If I pee I will die, as I eat a pie....
    I'm blue if I were green i would die...
    i'm blue yes indeed i'm a guy yes indeed
    blue, I will breed then I'll die, I will
    I'm blue and I sneezed on a guy
    I'm blue if I o.d.'d I would die.
    I'm blue (I was mean I will die)
    i'm blue (in aberdeen i will die)
    I'm blue, I'm a bee, I'm a fly
    Blue is the colour i vomited out the win
    I'm blue and i'm in need of a dime.
    I'm blue in Aberdeen I will die, in Aber
    I will die in Aberdeen, I will die in Ab
    I'm blue, I believe I will die, I believ
    I'm Blue and i belive i can beat up a gu
    I'm blue, if I was green I would die..
    I'm blue, If I was green, I would die
    Im a neat kind of guy Im a neat kind of
    I'm blue, without "E" I'll die
    Im blue, if i were green then I'd die.
    Blue like my Corvette, it's standing out
    I'm blue, if I were green I would die
    I'm blue I beleive I can fly I beleive I
    I'm blue, double D double die. Double D
    I'm blue I will bleed up the guy Probabl
    I would. I would beat off a guy. I would
    I'm blue and i believe ima dieing
    I'm Blue, Justin Bieber Should Die
    I'm blue I want Bieber to die.
    "I'm blue I would beat up guy..."
    I'm blue, I would beat off a guy
    I'm blue, in Aberdeen I will die
    I would beat off a guy I want Bieber to
    I'm I would pee up and die.
    I will meet other guys.
    I will beat up a guy
    I'm blue I would beat up a guy, I'm in n
    I'm blue; I will pee, I will die.

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