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    Artist: Statler Brothers

    Song: Eve

    The Story: Don't eat the fruit in the garden, Eden,, It wasn't in God's natural plan., You were only a rib,, And look at what you did,, To Adam, the father of Man.

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    "Brimful Of Asha" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Cornershop

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Brimful Of Asha" by Cornershop? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Brimful Of Asha" Lyrics

    #1 Brimful of Asha on the Sporty Spice#2
    Grill full of rashers on the 45
    Everybody needs brother for cologne, eve
    Everybody scream for Michael Portillo
    There were three in the bed and they wer
    Graham through a rasher on the 45
    A real cool rasher on the 45
    Panful of rashers on the 45
    Brimful of asha and a pork pie
    Well it's a grim rumour that you're over
    grim voodoo lashing
    Grapefruit lasher on the 45
    Dancing Behind movie scenes Behind the m
    Dance to the factor on the 45
    And dancing Behind movie scenes Behind t
    We're fully natural and fortified.
    Everybody need a bosom called Flo. Some
    Well, its a bin full of ashes on the fau
    Well it's a brimful of Asha your only 45
    Bacon voodoo rasher on the 45
    room in the brasher for a 45
    Brimful of badger and a porkpie
    Everyone needs a frozen armadillo
    Everybody needs a bosom furry pillow.
    Everyone needs a cushion for a pillow
    Everybody needs a prism for a pillow.
    grim poodle basher on the 45
    "Oh Britannia, summer of '45"
    Grim poodle basher
    Everone needs a good support pillow
    Cream through the rational, fourty five
    Bring food on action on the 45
    I'm a grapefruit and you're a pot pie.
    A queer blue flasher on the 45
    Queer, rude and macaroni, 45.
    Grim poodle Basher
    Bring food and rations.
    A grill full of rashers on at forty-five

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