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    "Addicted To Love" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Robert Palmer

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Addicted To Love" by Robert Palmer? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Addicted To Love" Lyrics

    My name is Perry Mason, I'm addicted to
    Miners' little faces, you're addicted to
    Might as well face it, you're a dick wit
    Heidi's little fish says your addicted t
    Might as well face it, Mike Ditka's in l
    "you're gonna have to face it, you're a
    Might as well face it, you're a digital
    You're gonna have to face it you're a d*
    mighty slurred faces, you're addicted to
    Minus square faces, you're addicted to l
    Minus twelve faces you're addicted to lo
    You're gonna have to face it, you're a *
    You like to think that you're a mule fru
    My'anus where your face'is, you're addic
    Might as well face sit, you're addicted
    Your lights are on, but you're not home.
    Your mine, you're not your own
    I want a new truck, one that don't smoke
    Might as well face it, you're- A Dick! D
    My eatas wear faces, you're addicted to
    might as well face it, you're addicted t
    Might as well face it, it's my dick that
    My anus left faces, you're addicted to l
    Hyena's little faces you're addicted to
    Midas, well face it. You're a doot doot-
    You're gonna have to face it You're addi
    Heinz's little faces, you're addicted to
    Might as well face it, you're addicted t
    im having trouble trying to s**t
    You may as well face it; these b**thes a
    My name is Perry Mason, I'm addicted to
    Might as well face it your addicted to d
    My anus will fix it, you're addicted to
    You might aswell face it i got sicked on might as well face it, you're a d
    "... might as well face it: you're a dic
    Minus square faces you're addicted to lo
    Mighty ass, face it you're a titty in lo
    Your anus has to face it your addicted t
    Minus little pieces, you're addicited to
    Might as well face it your a dic dic to
    Might as well face it, got a chicken to
    My little fish-es are a t-t-too low
    my anus will fix it, you're addicted to
    Might as well face it you're a dick dick
    If your mind is where your face is, you'
    Madonna had a face lift, your addicted t
    You're gonna have to face it, you're a d
    Hyenas wear faces, you're addicted to lo
    mindless little faces addicted to love
    You might as well face it your a dickhea
    Mimes wear faces, you're addicted to lov
    You might as well face it, you're a tic
    Might as well face it your a dit dit dit
    might as well face it theres a ***k in y
    Gonna have a facelift you're a d**k d**k
    You're a d**k teddy to love

    Other Songs by Robert Palmer

    Bad Case Of Loving You
    I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
    Simply Irresistable

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