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    "Born To Be Wild" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Steppenwolf

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Born To Be Wild" Lyrics

    Buy all of your guns at Hudson's
    b**th your motor's runnin'
    Get your motor runnin', get out on the h
    Fishin' for a run in
    Wow Timmy why
    Born Two Feet Wide
    I like smoke and lightning Heavy metal F
    Fishin' motor runnin' Head out on the hi
    I like smokin Lightning
    Think im gonna run in
    While all of the guns and mortars explod
    Get your monitor running ... Head out o
    b**th I'm gonna run yeah
    Fire all of your guns (at) Wisconsin
    I like smoking lightning
    b**thin' on an onion
    Like a tomb made for a child
    Get Your Motor Runnin' Head Out On the H
    Itchin' for a hummer, head out on the hi
    by all your guns at watson
    Like a mule made to hire.
    Take your girl to the lovin place
    Yeah Garden Grove makes it happen...
    Kick the world in a lovin' place.
    Burgundy wine
    born to be vile
    "Hitchin' for the run-in "
    Buy all of your guns at once and explode
    Take the world on a luncheon break.
    Catch'em while their running
    Fire all of your come at once, and explo
    Catch 'em on the run and Head out on th
    Get your motor runnin' Spread out on the
    Fire all your guns Watson into outer spa
    Fire all of your guns, Tecumseh
    Fire all of our guns at punks.
    Aint nothing gona make it happen got lov
    Like a shoe made to shine, We were born,
    whistling with the dream
    Ketchup warm an' runnin'
    Like a true nature's child We were born,
    Fire all of your guns at won ton.
    Fry all of your guts a-and explode into

    Other Songs by Steppenwolf

    Hoochie Koochie Man
    Magic Carpet Ride
    Werewolves Of London
    Worn Out and Tired

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